The thing that keeps readers jumping into the pages of Galaxy’s Edge is the authors’ attention to tactics. The best place to see this is in the use of crew-served and squad based weapons.
Throughout the series, including the latest book, The Wanted, the legionnaires typically have a trooper running a Squad Automatic Blaster running with them, as well as those carrying Aero-Precision Missiles.
These squads carrying the heavy weapons employ them to great effect because of the inherent tactics applied, which come through every scene.
For the SAB, leejes running the fully automatic, high cycle blaster put it to work for its intended purpose. Suppressive fire. This type of gunfire takes place when a Leej squad is up against direct enemy engagement, looking to advance, but can’t due return fire from the other side. The squad leader positions the squad to engage targets, so he can put the SAB gunner in the best possible place to attain the objective.
When set, the SAB gunner doses the landscape in withering, high cycle blaster bolts. Creating this curtain of certain death puts the enemy on the defensive, making it riskier for them to pop up and send bolts at the legionnaires. When the squad leader feels the time is right, he can direct members of his crew to flank, taking the enemy from the side as they hide from the brutal onslaught of blaster fire coming from their front. If they try to escape the flank, they run straight into the oncoming fire and the expected result occurs.
Death by blaster bolt.
For those rocking the Aero-Precision Missiles, applied teamwork is the key to firing the weapon effectively. The squad must lay down their own suppressive fire, or at least engage the enemy to give the missile gunner good sight to target. When the algos scream in his bucket that they have the target locked, the AP gunner can fire and forget the weapon, trusting the missile to lock on target and shred the enemy with its variable warhead.
While leejes are certainly trained to fight alone, the strength in running as a team can’t be denied in the pages of Galaxy’s Edge.
See how the gunner for Hunter Team Ranger gets his Grrrr on in The Wanted!
Giving Old Painless a new lease on life. Nice to get a look at what the SAB looks like.
But there’s only Leej who doesn’t need the lock on feature. Our boy Exo. Ain’t nobody who can do the things he can with an AP missile