After the Troubles, the giant dust up that set the Empire against the Repub and the Legion against everyone, the other military services saw fit to ramp up their own special operation’s program. The Marines pushed vast resources into their SOAR specialists and MARSOG units. Intel created better classes of agents with tighter reigns to prevent units like Nether Ops from forming away from oversight.
But the one area where military careers spent under the thumb of appointed officers bled into special operations was the Repub Navy.
Like the other Repub military services, the Navy saw a need to have its own special branch under its direct control. Forming the Navy Special Operations Command, the officers took qualified candidates from across the service to try out for the Special Teams.
One part marine, one part special agent, the Navy Special Teams have become the pride of Naval direct action missions apart from the legion. These operators enjoy the best in tech and gear on par with the Marines, and have the full support of the warships they’re deployed from.
But like all units the legionnaires refer to as, “basic,” they suffer a flaw in that their training and standards comes from the House of Reason Department of the Military, and not from their own command and training doctrine. This has led to some sensational headlines detailing shortcomings that wouldn’t fly within the hallowed command structure of the legion.
While the Special Teams aren’t common, they seem to grab more of their share of headlines due to antics committed while on mission. Blaster fight in an Ice Eel Taco Shop? How’s about running full tilt in a speeder through a busy bazaar while shooting at pursuers? Ever hear about the time the Team Guys were getting a manicure during a surveillance run, only to sprint out on the tab to take down the HVT?
There seems to be no shortage of headlines when it comes to the special teams. Read about them in the upcoming Galaxy’s Edge Season 3 Book 2: The Betrayed!
My question is - do they write books and make holos after their service is up?
Do they get a movie that has a really cool parachute scene? Catchy generic title and later gets spoofs by the same lead holostar who was in said same movie?