In his search for answers to being stalked by multiple bounty hunters across the sector, Captain Keel makes contact with an elusive information broker willing to let him on the hows and whys of his contract.
When Keel came out of hyperspace, they came face to face with a medium capital ship that was much larger than the more identifiable Republic corvettes people in the cockpit were used to. Made of all hard angles with a top mounted landing bay, the warship triggered Keel’s fight-or-flight response. Had it not been for their contact calling over, the cautious captain would have suggested a priority jump out of the system.
While they made the short flight to the ghost ship’s landing bay, a prisoner they had on hand, Honey, said that she’d seen the ship before. The battle cruiser was a relic of the Savage Wars, and had been gifted to Tyrus Rechs to use as a mobile command post.
Finding their contact, they learned the Battle Phoenix did indeed belong to Tyrus Rechs, and contained a wealth of accumulated gear and firepower to use for protecting the Republic. Containing multiple copies of his signature scout ship, the Obsidian Crowe, it also included armories, credits, and bots he sometimes used in his missions. The Battle Phoenix was a mobile strike platform that could take a ragtag group of fighters and turn them into a significant force against any batch of mercenaries, especially the ones looking to capture Keel.
In his final dealings with the contact, Keel got the impression that although impressive, the Phoenix was part of a flotilla of ships the former general and bounty hunter had put at the discretion of a trusted advisor. If that were the case, there were potentially several more capital ships floating out in the void, waiting for a verified ident to come through the comms so the ships could broadcast their location.
In the hands of someone like Rex, who had a habit of pulling good people into his orbit, those ships could be the difference between a free galaxy or tyranny.Â
In the wrong hands...
Check out the Battle Phoenix starting in Galaxy’s Edge Season 2 with Legacies!
The fleet actions so far have been really well written, and the details of what each branch does gives insight that allows the readers to get a clear picture of the chaos.
Will the hinted at fleet come into play during season 3?