During the Savage Wars, the Coalition, and later, the fledgling Republic sought to do everything in its power to beat back the Savage tide assaulting the galaxy.
When the people of the Sinasian Cluster wanted nothing to do with the Coalition of worlds, they were seen as anti-galactic in their views, and labeled a threat. As mounting political and military pressure from the Coalition pushed the Sinasians towards hostility, they established a military treaty with the Savages. A treaty that labeled them as a target in the eyes of everyone outside of Sinasia.
Several campaigns were fought to try to break the connection between the Cluster and the Savages, eventually resulting in the embattled worlds leaning on their most imaginative minds to create weapons the likes of which Savages and the Coalition had never conceived.
It was in the fires of war with the early Republic that the Samurai Mechs were born.
Multiple stories tall and brimming with armor and weapons, the Samurai mechs were one part walking weapon platform and another part WMD. A single Samurai operating in a combat theater could destroy entire cities and render the surrounding landscape uninhabitable for years.
While conventional weapons such as rail guns, blaster cannons, and missile batteries were standard for the Samurai, it was their special attack routines that made them the scourge of Savages and the Legion alike. High-intensity beam weapons powered by the Mech’s multiple reactor cores could reach orbit from the ground, punching holes in capital ships and driving off reinforcements. Particle wave generators flared out from the mech’s armor, cooking anything organic within the weapon’s distance. Armor not hardened against intense radiation was pointless as the troopers inside died from exposure.
In the end, the legion had combined their considerable weapons in conjunction with the first war-bots and early HK mech prototypes to take on the Samurai before they could do the one thing the Repub feared of them.
Leave Sinasia to attack the galaxy at large.
For more information on the Samurai and their part in the Cluster, check out Chasing the Dragon and KTF Part 2.
Of all the campaigns in the Savage Wars, I am most interested in the Sinasian theater. Really hoping we get a book or two about that! And that silhouette of the samurai mech . . . y'all leaned heavy into the Japanese aesthetic, and it works!
This is how anime stuff should be brought in, not over the top, but limited to one group and then in small doses. Excellent way of doing this, again far better then some franchises that try to combine anime with their stories and end up with a mess.