In Galactic Outlaws, we meet Aeson Keel. The wise cracking gunfighter and star-ship captain of the Indelible VI. In these first few pages, we’re introduced to a variety of skills Captain Keel brings to the table, with one being his most trusted.
The ability to draw and fire a blaster pistol better than anyone else.
Quick draw and instinctive shooting has been a staple of the Western genre since the first pulps were written, inflating the exploits of real gunfighters who went on to become legends. This kind of immediate attack ability also shares traits in common with older martial arts like Batto-jutsu (Japanese sword drawing technique), where a holstered weapon is drawn and used to attack an opponent before they can do the same.
Modern tacticians can trace the development of draw and fire techniques back to the core principle of the OODA Loop. The acronym is used to teach first responders how to address a threat. Responders Observe and Orient toward the threat, Deciding a course of action before Acting on the objective. The Loop refers to the responder applying the OODA acronym repeatedly until the threat catches fire or changes shape.
This runs subconsciously through Keel’s mind when he pulls his blaster on a would-be gunfighter who should know better. More often than not, the Captain’s quick read of the situation, combined with his honed reflexes wins the draw. Using a blaster to resolve most threats has led Captain Keel to a reputation for putting down the competition after leaving a trail of bodies.
Quick drawn scenes are what modern tacticians would refer to as CQB (Close Quarters Battle). In such short range, Keel has to be observant and fast to have his blaster clear the holster before the bad-guys start shooting. What is fun about Aeson in GE is his ever-present companion, Ravi, is usually close by to tell the captain the odds before the blaster bolts start flying.
This is another tidbit on Keel...this guy is one complex character who really brings things together in the GE story!
The way of the blaster had me imagine the way of the gun, in space, with Danny Trejo narrating with Ding Chavez from Jack Ryan...