Just like when they made us trade our beloved woodland and the dcu for that crap acu pattern that was good for hiding on grandmas couch or in the bathroom of a Shoney’s when you effed up reaaaaaal bad s’arnt. Although there is a certain amount of psychological damage you do to the enemy when you absolutely dominate the battle space dressed like a karking Minecraft character.

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I just want you to know I'm being rushed to the hospital after choking on coffee and laughing at the same time because I resemble this remark...

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Choking on coffee from laughing is the greatest of compliments my dude haha and don’t worry the VA will absolutely claim that your injury isn’t service related!

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Reminds me of stormtrooper armor. Not as effective as the Clone Army mk2 armor, with an even worse helmet. Meant to look imposing and uniform. The House or Reason was out to whittle the Legion away by attrition, and how best to do it but in logistics and administration. Put the Points in, make the gear worse, make the supply change more opake.

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What do we need to do to get some of that MK-100 plate in the Wargate black boxes?

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Beancounters are the same now and in the future...MIC is gonna line their pockets no matter what, they are going get their money.

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